Tailor make your experience

Plan your stay

We are more than happy to help you organise how best to spend your time with us should you wish to do a few days or a full weeks riding.

We are able to offer you a mixture of trail rides and lessons, western groundwork/introduction to western to more advanced manoeuvres as we have horses that have extensive training and are well versed on the more technical art of riding.

  ~~~Please scroll down for some really good suggestions we have on offer!!~~~

3 Hour Exhilarating adventure

£100 per person

Dates yet to be confirmed. Enquire. 

This ride is purely for the more experienced rider.

 You must be able to: 

  •  Walk, trot and canter independently of your reins. 

  •  Be balanced.

  •  Be able to keep a safe distance from other horses around you.

  •  Be confident.

  •  Be reasonably fit.

  •  Hold your own cantering in a group with other people. 

  •  Be game for a bit of fun! 

You will be assessed before the ride leaves to ensure you are able to join in and if it is deemed you are not of a suitable standard - you will not be able to join this ride and you will not be refunded your money. 

Maximum of 5 riders 

‼️72hr cancellation policy on all rides‼️


Please note until payment is received in full your booking is only provisional.
Payment is due in advance of all rides unless prior arrangement has been discussed. Your ride will only be confirmed once payment is made.

We ask that all payments are made within 24 hours.


Text, WhatsApp, or call: +44 7590023515

Email:  Enquire@lungaridingstables.co.uk

⚠️ Please don’t take it personally if you cannot get a hold of us immediately or in some cases - at all. ⚠️

Firstly and foremost it is a small but busy yard. The Owner deals with everything to ensure the smooth running of the day to day tasks including taking out the rides. 

There will be times she may not answer you back, please feel free to keep trying. What we do ask is if you can’t reach the owner, there is a valid reason to why she is unable to deal with your enquiry (she does have a life out-with the horses..)

DELUXE Western Package 

Half Day - Minimum 2 1/2 hours.
£125 Per person. 


Immerse yourself in a half day experience of all things Western!

It is a great way to be introduced to the art and sport of western riding, on our beautifully trained American quarter horses, American paint horses as well as appaloosas.  

A warm welcome followed by a visit to the barn where we will meet all the horses of various breeds including our American paint horses, quarter horses and appaloosas.

 Then straight onto a demo of brushing, tacking up and ridden, including some really cool fancy footwork. You will come back to the barn and be allocated your trusty steed. At this point you will become involved in preparing your horse to be ridden. 

We will have a short question and answer and then get ready to get on. We will then head out to the arena and learn some western moves in the shape of a lesson. 

You will come back to the barn, dismount your horse and again be involved with untacking and preparation for your horse to return to its field.  

NB: Full days by appointment only. There is a maximum of 4 persons for this experience unless you're all one party so that we can ensure that you have the best time. 

‼️72 hr cancellation policy on all rides ‼️


Text, WhatsApp, or call: +44 7590023515

Email:  Enquire@lungaridingstables.co.uk

⚠️ Please don’t take it personally if you cannot get a hold of us immediately or in some cases - at all. ⚠️

Firstly and foremost it is a small but busy yard. The Owner deals with everything to ensure the smooth running of the day to day tasks including taking out the rides. 

There will be times she may not answer you back, please feel free to keep trying. What we do ask is if you can’t reach the owner, there is a valid reason to why she is unable to deal with your enquiry (she does have a life out-with the horses..)


£100Per Person

A mix of in-hand work, followed on by ridden work.

The beginnings of the groundwork is a journey of education and awareness of yourself to enhance the relationship between you and your horse. 

The lesson identifies the key elements in understanding how groundwork links into the horses mental wellbeing, poise and learning.

Once on board your acquainted trusty steed, you will be able to put into practice some of the elements that you managed to achieve in your groundwork session. 



‼️ 72hr cancellation policy on all rides ‼️ 


Please note until payment is received in full your booking is only provisional.
Payment is due in advance of all rides unless prior arrangement has been discussed. Your ride will only be confirmed once payment is made.

We ask that all payments are made within 24 hours.


Text, WhatsApp, or call: +44 7590023515

Email:  Enquire@lungaridingstables.co.uk

⚠️ Please don’t take it personally if you cannot get a hold of us immediately or in some cases - at all. ⚠️

Firstly and foremost it is a small but busy yard. The Owner deals with everything to ensure the smooth running of the day to day tasks including taking out the rides. 

There will be times she may not answer you back, please feel free to keep trying. What we do ask is if you can’t reach the owner, there is a valid reason to why she is unable to deal with your enquiry (she does have a life out-with the horses..)